
Summer is almost upon us.  What’s an unschooling family to do when their school year looks like most people’s summer vacations?  For us, the school year is the perfect time to go on trips, visit museums, spend entire days in our pajamas reading books and generally do whatever we please. Travelling in the summer is expensive.  Museums and parks are crowded.  But, summer camps abound in the warmer months.  And we want to stay close to home to tend to our vegetable garden, anyway. So, here’s a little preview of our very scheduled summer:

One week of Camp Balala

I’m sure they both wish they could spend their week of camp on Coronado Beach.
…or floating in the pool in Solomons

To gear her up for her summer of camp, Margot will be spending one full week with Balala (her abuelita) doing crafts, eating bagged lunches and being away from home for hours at a time.

One week of Girl Scout Camp

This is the big one.  With Girl Scout camp comes GoGo’s first experience on a school bus. I will drop her off at the bus stop at 7 am and pick her back up at 5 pm.  I mean. We are ready. But… also, we are SO not ready.  Since her week at Camp Addisone Boyce is the same week as a holiday, she’ll only have 4 days at this camp.  Hopefully it will be enough for her to get a good taste of camp life.

Two weeks of Theater Camp

The only girl pirate in Pirates of Penzance at an amazing Intro to Opera library event.
Killing it as a mechanical doll in The Tales of Hoffmann.

We originally were planning for CAB to be 2 or 3 weeks, but then we found out about a theater camp that was doing a production of Annie.  Margot is OBSESSED with Annie and musicals and acting.  Her current future plans include being an actress/musician/comic book writer.  This camp is a half day program and it’s about 5 minutes away from our house.  She’ll be done every day at 1 so we will still have plenty of time to go swimming and play outside on those camp days.  And on the final day, she’ll be in a production of Annie (Jr.).

Camping at North South Lake

Last year at North South Lake

We have a camping trip planned with some friends to go up to North South Lake for a few nights.

One Free Week

Only one!

Two weeks of Jr Farmer’s Camp

At Farm Camp Orientation, potting a plant (which died, oops…)
Studying a worm because #gogolovesbugs
Discussing maybe eating this leaf? I think?

Junior Farmer’s Camp was the first thing we signed GoGo up for. Two weeks of digging in the dirt, playing with worms, planting and harvesting vegetables, going on nature walks and running a farm stand.  What an incredible way to spend two weeks of summer!

Northeast Unschooling Conference

We end our summer with 5 days in Massachusetts to attend the Northeast Unschooling Conference.

And then it’s September and we get to go back to the lazy days of the school year.

I asked Margot which Camp she was most excited about and she said “All of them!”

I will have so much time on my hands while she’s at all of her camps… I am hoping to get lots of stuff done at home while she’s having buckets of summertime fun.  Margot’s summer of camp and Mama’s summer of cleaning. One of us is getting a much better deal…